A Star Is Born (Film Review)

“A Star Is Born” is a dramatic and romantic film that was released on the 5th of october of this year. n it was directed by Bradley Cooper. The film narrates the love story between Ally (Lady Gaga) -a young girl that’s giving up on her dream to be a singer- and Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper), a seasoned country star that struggles with alcoholism and other physical and emotional problems.
Maine discovers Ally in a gay club where she performs sometimes. Their connection starts immediately; as they make eye-contact while she is singing “La vie en Rose” until they leave the club together. As Jack puts her into the spotlight -her career takes off- his career drops sharply.

The script is very well made; the right words are just said in the in the right moment. In the scenes, in general, actions and music are more important than words, so it is quite adequate that the scriptwriters have given more attention to them than at words. Besides, the scenography it is very well staged: the lights, the decoration, the clothing...It is on point!
I have to remark Lady Gaga’s powerful  performances, she just conveys the right emotions perfectly.

Its weak point it is that as it is a remake, the story follows a guide line a bit similar to the original film. However, Cooper has worked extremely hard to differentiate his flick from the original version of this same story.

Thereby, this film is a remake, nevertheless, it is unmissable because although many people can guess what it's going on, there are some new incorporated details that make it different, absolutely emotional and almost completely renewed. It is highly recommendable.


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