

Rap music is one of the most listened musical genres, and I would say that it is the main music genre that promulgates freedom of expression. If you ask me, it would be a big mistake to ban "violent lyrics".

First of all, I think that It has been very helpful for minorities groups like Afro-Americans, Hispanics...It helped them to be heard, and to fight and protest against racism and discrimination. A ban would mean censorship, the opposite of rap ideals. In my opinion, that would cause several demonstrations and controversy.

Secondly, in my point of view,  there is no point in banning it, it would be a useless law...people would continue writing and listening to what they want anyway. Even if they penalize people, as I see it, they would start writing anonymously to avoid being persecued.

To sum up, I completely disagree with this ban. They should not be banned because although its lyrics can be violent sometimes, they hold an important principle, the freedom of expression.


  1. I disagree because if the lyrics are violents they have to be penalized.

    Good luck! ;)

    1. we are against oppression, aren't we? #1d'octubre


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