A Big Family

It was December and my mom and I had decided to spend our Christmas holidays in Bolivia to visit our family...It would had been easier if our family hadn't been that big, and also if they hadn't lived in different cities.

First of all, we visited my grandparents. They live in the countryside so it's a bit far from Santa Cruz, were most of our relatives live. We stayed there only for a few days because my mom was tired of fighting with mosquitos. My grandfather teased her about that because she was the most bitten by them. We went back to Santa Cruz and we brought my grandparents with us. We had a big dinner for Christma's Eve at my aunt's house, where everybody and their uncle came. Almost everybody gets along well,fortunely there's no bad blood.

On New Year's Eve, we went to Tarija, with my grandparents,  my aunt Ruth, her husband and my cousin ib order to visit my grandfather's brother.  We went by car, and although my uncle had a GPS-it wasn't useful at all- we got lost!
Finally, after a few hours, we arrived there...at last time,while the fireworks were lighting up th midnight sky, announcing a new year.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh! Thanks

      PS: I'm replying a bit late, but , just ignore this little detail e.e


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