Teachers should let students listen music in class

Everybody knows that music is a powerful "tool". It can be energetic or relaxing,  but it definitely cheers us up. We could put some music at school, do not we ? If you ask me, I totally agree with this idea.

First of all, in my opinion, it would be a great idea . Teachers could make some rules to manage and still keep the calm during their classes. Rules like, to let students listen to music while they are doing an exercise,  essay,... But to turn down the music when the teacher explains. Then the teacher could put some soft music out loud to make lessons more dynamic and less dull.

Moreover, students will be more concentrated  because they will not be distracting each other. Everyone with their headphones on...it sounds music to my ears.

To sum up, I agree with this idea because everybody loves music, and the ones who do not, do need to listen to it if they do not want to. It wouldn't have to be compulsory to listen to  it.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm glad you have the same opinion as me!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Really good writing and I also loveloveloveloooove music, but I don't agree with you because it is impossible for me to concentrate If I listen to any kind of music...

    1. It's not compulsory to listen to it darling :3 , only if you want to.

  4. It will be amazing if that happens, but, as Marina said in her comment, it will be impossible to concentrate for me.


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