Writing Of The Cuff

              I'm walking through a green field, hearing my steps on the dirt road. The wind blows through my hair and the drizzle that falls upon my skin keeps me awake. I'm just guessing why my mind was blowing up minutes later...

Now, all is peaceful, and the storm inside has been calmed by the view that's staring right in font of me. The dusk is falling, the night is coming, and I'm just waiting for the dawn. It's ironic, I've just turn on the music and the perfect song started to sound..."from dusk till dawn..."

And yes, I'm just walking through an empty field, the sky is crying and it makes me feel melancholic of something that I used to want and now I can't remember what it was. I'm in a blue mood, touching the green grass of the field and seeing the sky turning grey because of the clouds that had appeared- I don't know when-.

The drizzle has become a pouring rain, but I keep walking, just trying to chase the dawn.


  1. Hello Cielo, it is a nice writting, I liked it so much. It's really intresting.


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