
A Star Is Born (Film Review)

“A Star Is Born” is a dramatic and romantic film that was released on the 5th of october of this year. n it was directed by Bradley Cooper. The film narrates the love story between Ally (Lady Gaga) -a young girl that’s giving up on her dream to be a singer- and Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper), a seasoned country star that struggles with alcoholism and other physical and emotional problems. Maine discovers Ally in a gay club where she performs sometimes. Their connection starts immediately; as they make eye-contact while she is singing “La vie en Rose” until they leave the club together. As Jack puts her into the spotlight -her career takes off- his career drops sharply. The script is very well made; the right words are just said in the in the right moment. In the scenes, in general, actions and music are more important than words, so it is quite adequate that the scriptwriters have given more attention to them than at words. Besides, the scenography it is very well staged: the lig


Since plastic-surgery appeared into our lives, many people has seen this innovation as a way or tool to transform their bodies or face to become perfect or to fix some bad deformations that they were born with. At first, plastic-surgery was only useful for people who had bad characteristics in their bodies that caused them health problems, they needed to be operated. But then, it became a trend among narcisist people who wanted to be perfect, here is where the controversy starts. On the one hand, we have the principal reason why most people believe that plastic-surgery is just vanity; almost every famous Hollywood star , singer, or celebrity has been through a plastic-surgery. Celebrities like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Silvester Stalone,...and we cannot forget the "queens of surgery", The Kardashian's Clan! Each of them has been through a plastic-surgery more than once, and just to suit in the celebrities' perfect world where everyone must be perfect to enter into i

If William Shakespeare had been a woman...

If he had been a woman, his life would have been harder because being a woman in his era was something very hard. Not only because women's rights were non existent, but also because they were offered few jobs and less opportunities. If he had wanted to go to school, he would have had to fight to be able to go because usually families didn't want their daughters to study, only their sons were able to study. It would have been impossible for him to be a writer if he had tried to get into the theater world being a woman. And if somebody had supported his work or plays, people wouldn't have accepted him. It definetely had been a disaster for literature's history. It would have missed outstanding plays like "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Macbeth"...


RAP MUSIC Rap music is one of the most listened musical genres, and I would say that it is the main music genre that promulgates freedom of expression. If you ask me, it would be a big mistake to ban "violent lyrics". First of all, I think that It has been very helpful for minorities groups like Afro-Americans, Hispanics...It helped them to be heard, and to fight and protest against racism and discrimination. A ban would mean censorship, the opposite of rap ideals. In my opinion, that would cause several demonstrations and controversy. Secondly, in my point of view,  there is no point in banning it, it would be a useless law...people would continue writing and listening to what they want anyway. Even if they penalize people, as I see it, they would start writing anonymously to avoid being persecued. To sum up, I completely disagree with this ban. They should not be banned because although its lyrics can be violent sometimes, they hold an important principle

Teachers should let students listen music in class

Everybody knows that music is a powerful "tool". It can be energetic or relaxing,  but it definitely cheers us up. We could put some music at school, do not we ? If you ask me, I totally agree with this idea. First of all, in my opinion, it would be a great idea . Teachers could make some rules to manage and still keep the calm during their classes. Rules like, to let students listen to music while they are doing an exercise,  essay,... But to turn down the music when the teacher explains. Then the teacher could put some soft music out loud to make lessons more dynamic and less dull. Moreover, students will be more concentrated  because they will not be distracting each other. Everyone with their headphones sounds music to my ears. To sum up, I agree with this idea because everybody loves music, and the ones who do not, do need to listen to it if they do not want to. It wouldn't have to be compulsory to listen to  it.

New York Times ("Word of the day contest")

70's,80's and all that Jazz - Why I chose this topic?

The 70's & 80's I've chosen this theme because I didn't know what singer, band or genre of music to choose. I love a lots of bands and singers from these decades so a thought that putting all together to create a new theme would be a great idea. It was a bit difficult for me to summarize 20 years in 6 minutes but I enjoyed the research of information because I didn't consider this as homework .